[heading subtitle=“Sandwiches“ title=“Sendviči“]
[restaurantmenu type=“dotted“]
##Tost sendvič
**Toast sandwich
##Sendvič sa piletinom
**Sandwich with grilled chicken breast
##Sendvič sa pršutom
**Sandwich with prosciutto
++Naš izbor
##Otvoreni sendvič
**Open sandwich / ham, pancetta, mushrooms, cream, cheese
##Sendvič sa ćuretinom
**Sandwich with grilled turkey breast
##Klub sendvič
**Club sandwich
[heading subtitle=“Main dish salad“ title=“Obrok salate“]
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##Credo Grčka salata
**Credo Greek salad
##Kapreze salata
**Caprese salad / Mozzarella Cheese and Fresh Tomatoes seasoned with Olive Oil and Oregano
##Pršuta sa dinjom i nanom
**Prosciutto with melon and mint
##Venecuelanska salata
**Venezuelan salad / chicken, almonds, avocado
##Cezar salata
**Ceasar salad / Grilled Chicken Fillet in Caesar Dressing
##Salata sa pršutom, breskvom i mocarelom
**Salad with prosciutto, peach and Mozzarella
##Ćuretina Tropiko
**Tropico Turkey salad / Turkey, pineapple, kiwi, lettuce
##Salata od hobotnice
**Octopus salad
++Naš izbor
##Gambori sa gvakamole musom i miksom zelenih salata
**Prawns with guacamole mousse and lettuce mix

[heading subtitle=“Appetizers“ title=“Predjela“]
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**Tomato and basil
**Tomato and prosciutto
##Humus sa mariniranim povrćem
**Humus with marinated vegetables
##Gratinirana mocarela sa pršutom
**Gratinated Mozzarella with prosciutto
++Preporuka kuvara
##Pileći noazet u tempuri
**Chicken noisettes in tempura
##Pohovani kačkavalj sa paradajz džemom
**Fried hard cheese with tomato jam
##Selekcija suhomesnatih proizvoda i sireva
**The selection of cured meats and cheeses
**Mala / Small
**Velika / Large
[heading subtitle=“Soups“ title=“Čorbe i potaži“]
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##Gazpacho classic
##Teleća krem čorba sa legirom kisele pavlake
**Veal cream soup with sour cream
##Pikantna paradajz čorba sa gamberetima
**Spicy tomato soup with gamberetti

[heading subtitle=“Pasta and Risotto“ title=“Paste i Rizota“]
[restaurantmenu type=“dotted“]
##Pene Arabiata
**Penne Arrabiata
**Penne Amatriciana
##Špagete Karbonara sa guanciale pancetom
**Spaghetti Carbonara with guanciale bacon
##Pene pršuta i tartufi
**Penne with prosciutto and truffles
##Špagete piletina, šampinjoni i pančeta
**Spaghetti with chicken, mushrooms and pancetta
##Špagete Bolonjeze
**Spaghetti Bolonese sauce
##Pene Boscaiola
**Penne Boscaiola / Zucchini, mushrooms, Guanciale
##Taljatele sa pančetom, ćuretinom i pistaćima
**Tagliatelle with bacon, turkey and pistachio
##Oriketi sa brokolijem i lososom
**Orecchiette with salmon and broccoli
##Crno bele taljatele sa gamborima
**Black and white tagliatelle with prawns
##Rižoto sa vrganjima i pančetom
**Risotto with wild mushrooms and pancetta
##Rižoto gambori, sušeni paradajz i tartufi
**Risotto with prawns, dried tomato and truffles
++Preporuka kuvara
##Crni rižoto sa lignjama
**Black risotto with squids
[heading subtitle=“Main course“ title=“Glavna jela“]
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##Domaći burger
**Domestic burger
##Piletina u panko prezlama
**Chicken in panko bread crumbs
##Piletina u hrskavoj kori na sotiranom krompiru sa pireom od karfiola
**Chicken crispy crust on sauted potatoes with mashed cauliflower
##Punjena piletina u sosu od parmezana
**Stuffed chicken with parmesan sauce
##Ćuretina sa pršutom i mocarelom u sosu od belog vina
**Turkey with prosciutto and Mozzarella in a white wine sauce
##Glazirana rebra sa krompirom i pančetom
**Glazed pork ribs with potatoes and pancetta
##Biftek torta sa mocarelom i sušenim paradajzom
**Beefsteak cake with Mozzarella and dried tomato
##Toro steak
**Beefsteak with sauce / Pepper sauce, Gorgonzola sauce, Wild mushroom sauce, Forest fruit sauce
##Fiorentina steak za dve osobe
**Fiorentina steak for two persons / 700gr.
++Naša preporuka
##Rib eye steak za dve osobe
**Rib eye steak for two persons / 800gr.

[heading subtitle=“Under the water“ title=“Ispod vode“]
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##Lignje sa krompirom i spanaćem
**Grilled squids with chard and potatoes
##Losos na crnom rižotu
**Salmon on the black risotto
##Tuna na kremi od patlidžana sa grilovanim povrćem
**Tuna steak over the cream of eggplant with grilled vegetables
##Hobotnica ispod sača
**Grilled ostopus
[heading subtitle=“Desserts“ title=“Dezerti“]
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##Slatka pizza sa nutelom i šumskim voćem
**Sweet pizza with nutela and forest fruit sauce
##Mini Calzone punjene nutelom
**Mini Calzone stuffed with nutela
##Slatka pizza sa ananasom i belom čokoladom
**Sweet pizza with pineapple and white chocolate
##Panna cotta sa sosom od šumskog voća
**Panna cota with forest fruit sauce
##Mille foglie
**Cake made with vanilla cream inserted into slim layers of pastry
##Kolač od malina
**Raspberry cake
##Pikantni čoko mus sa višnjama
**Spicy chocolate mousse
##Američki „Brownie“
**American brownie
##Sufle od čokolade sa sladoledom
**Chocolate souffle with ice cream
##Kup plazma caramel crunch
**Cup cookie caramel crunch
##Kup choco cookie crunch
[heading subtitle=“Wood fired pizza“ title=“Pizze iz peći na drva“]
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**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, basil
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Cotto ham
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, mushrooms
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Cotto ham, mushrooms, olives
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Guanciale, Red onion, pecorino
##Con verdura
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, grilled vegetables
##Quattro formaggi
**White pizza with 4 cheeses
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, picante salami
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, tuna, red onion, olives
##Al crudo
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, prosciutto crudo, rocket salad, cherry tomatoes, parmesan
##Margherita buffala
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Mozzarella di buffala, cherry tomatoes, basil
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Bresaola, Rocket salad, Cherry tomatoes, parmesan
**Tomato sauce, Mozzarella, Cotto ham, mushrooms, cream